Lisa B and Arnold Schwarzenegger at Real Estate Training

Well I didn’t think I would be as chuffed to shake hands with Arnold Schwarzenegger as I was.

It’s funny how celebrities can do that to us.  Somehow it’s like they are larger than life up on the big screen and they kind of don’t seem human.

On seeing Arnold I reflected on how much he has achieved in his life.. From firstly making money in real estate, to becoming Mr Universe, to making it as a Hollywood movie star.  Then he became the Governor of California!  Wow!  What a resume.

Love him or hate him.. he has achieved a lot in quite a few areas of his life.  How does he do it?

On seeing Arnold  I took some quick notes as he spoke – They are of course my notes and my interpretation – they are quick and straight to the point.

Pain is temporary however the vision is permanent.  When Arnold was working out, he did not think about the pain of training. He thought about the Vision of his dream. Focus on your dream.

Do what you love. Then it doesn’t feel like work.

Don’t listen to the naysayers.  Not everyone will  agree with what you are doing.  Don’t listen to the ones that aren’t doing it. Everything is impossible until someone does it.

Think big. Have a big vision – a big dream.   It takes the same amount of energy to think big as it does to think small.

You’re either in it or you’re not – There is a German saying.  You are either committed or not.  Don’t have a back up plan. Forget Plan B and go with Plan A.

Aim for the top – He couldn’t be president as he wasn’t born in America so the Highest position he could go for was governor.  Aim for the top of your field.

Fail. Then fail better.  Learn from your mistakes.

Work your ass off – Anything worthwhile comes with hard work. Arnold used to get asked…. How many sit ups do you do? He would reply… I don’t know. I count when it starts to hurt.

Sleep faster – If you haven’t got enough time. Sleep faster.   One of my favourite quotes from the day ‘Early to bed. Early to rise. Work like hell and advertise’.

Give something back. Do something for your community.   Become part of a cause greater than you.

You will be judged not by what you have, but what you have left.   Arnold Schwarzenegger

Lisa B with Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger says Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise.


Tell me your thoughts on Arnold Schwarzenegger

Lisa B. helps real estate agents to use the internet to kick butt online.
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