3 things that stop Real Estate agents taking their business online

3 things that stop Real Estate Agents

taking their business online

(Yes… Even though they know they MUST)


Nick Psaila Hollistic Business Coach explains  –  

Question 2 with Nick in our interview series


Hi Nick  –

I work with real estate agents showing them all about the internet and the online world, what do you think are the 3 biggest challenges that stop real estate agents from getting their business online?

I think the first thing that stops them is their Mindset.   

They get stuck in the  ‘Why mindset’

They are always asking why?      ( That’s not a bad thing.. as long as you don’t get stuck in it forever)

They ask….

Why should I do this?    Why should I do that?

Why should I change?  


The old way has always worked for me..  

They think that if  something’s not broken, then why  fix it.  (If there was no progress we wouldn’t be on computers or phones reading this now)

Those questions  become really limiting.

A change of mindset would be,  to be open to new ideas and new technology.

Look for the opportunities  regarding  moving forward.

From a mindset perspective, they should look at the   X-factor.

Consider how they can connect with even more people,  at an even  higher level than they are now.

Shift their mindset over to the possibilities of what they can actually  get out of it.

Look at how technology can expose them and their business.

The second thing that could stop someone, is not having a proper strategy.

You need a strategy.   Without a strategy, real estate agents will just do bits and pieces and then they won’t get the result they are after.  They will  end up giving up.   (They’ll say it doesn’t work)   

Then they won’t progress.

Having a strategy allows you to measure.   You can measure all of your K.P.I’s  (Key performance indicators).

In other words, where you need to be at any given point in time.

The other thing that happens, is that  they have a great month, then they feel they don’t need to do anything different.


The 3rd thing that holds real estate agents back is achieving Mastery. .

Mastery is doing a set of tasks on a daily basis until you master  it  –   You need to condition yourself to be online.

It takes time to build the momentum.

It takes time to connect with people every day.

And that’s what you need to do  –  Do something every day.

Accountability is the key.   (Nick uses an Accountablity Mastery  sheet)   You need to see on a daily basis what you have to do.

Nick Psaila is a born entrepreneur, keynote speaker, thought leader and business coach who lives and breathes success. He is known for transforming careers, businesses and lives through his work as a sought-after business coach and speaker.

A self-made millionaire and dynamic, passionate mentor, Nick is the Director of Nick Psaila International — his business coaching and speaking company that is helping business owners and corporate high flyers through his innovative UPside coaching, UP Club and keynote presentations.


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