Critical mistakes real estate agents make online – 4


  • Critical mistakes real estate agents make with online marketing


Mistake number 4 – Critical mistakes real estate agents make with online marketing.


Mistake number 4 is not having a targeted marketing plan online. A strategic plan targeting your target market where you are capturing leads into your sales funnel. The aim is to then drive traffic back to your website and build your list.

You have got to have the method to the madness.

You just don’t want to have a random Facebook page and a random Linkedin page and a random Website. You want to start to bring all of that together to capture names and email addresses.

You can then market to those people and build your own list. That’s got to be your goal. Get the traffic to your website and compile a list.

Thank you

Lisa B. helps real estate agents to use the internet to kick butt online.

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Lisa B

Lisa B.

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