Real Estate Marketing Ideas – How to build a database – Dale Beaumont – Lisa B.

Real Estate Marketing Ideas

Today’s interview is with Dale Beaumont – 

Dale Beaumont and Lisa B. discuss online marketing for real estate

Lisa B. –  Where do you think real estate agents should start in building a data base?

Dale –   I think every person should have their own website, like I have my website  and I think every real estate agent should have one.  At the end of the day, people are buying you before they buy your products or services and people want to find out more about who you are…what you stand for.  They want to know the things that drive and motivate  you  and they will think…. is this someone that I actually trust and not someone that’s just trying to make another sale.   I think all real estate agents should have a personal website, where they talk a little bit about who they are,  their drivers and motivation, their professional career, their experience, their testimonials and videos.  People can then go… Wow…. I really like this guy.  There are some connection points.

What you want to do is…. if you are a pet owner – talk about your pet, talk about your hobbies eg  surfing.    If you keep talking about you, people will find ways that they can connect with you.    You will immediately stand out from everyone else.    I know this because I’ve been out there looking at properties and nobody does this. If you are one person that has their own website, comes across as being passionate and loving what you do, and someone who becomes more of a personality or friend…… as opposed to just a salesperson.  That will make such a huge difference.

Number one – Have your own website – a lot of people rely on  and  etc   Principals of real estate agencies are just pushing traffic away to other websites.

I think people need to be buying you.   You should have…. ‘check out my personal website to learn about what I can do for you and how I can help you’.  That’s something that all real estate agents should have.  Then you should also have an area whereby, or if you have had any form of email communication, you should be asking if you can stay in touch.  ‘I would like to keep in touch.    Can I send you some information once a month?  Something that will add value to you, so wherever and whenever you go to sell, you get a much better price? Would it be ok, if we stay in touch’.  9 times out of 10 or even closer to 10 out of 10, they’ll say sure, no problems.    Then you can send them some information that’s non threatening.  You take that contact and add it into a data base, stay in touch with that person once a month.   I do it with 30,000 people.  So I know anyone can do it with a few hundred to a thousand people no problem.

Lisa B.  –  You do that from your websites – We need to get people to opt in for free content.  So real estate agents should have that on their personal websites as well.  An opt in for a free report or something.

Dale – Absolutely.    The most important thing on a website, the number one goal, is to collect contact information.   Very few people are going to buy anything on the very first exposure.   You also need to understand the principal of reciprocity.   Before you ask for anything, you have to give.  You are going to give away free information in exchange for a name and an email address.  So, we  might offer a free report or a ‘guide to a purchasing check list’ or a mind map or a free video that walks someone through the whole process.   Find out what your core issues are and aim to answer those questions.    Have that as your free give away on your website.  That way you are building your data base and that’s continuing to grow.


Thank you Dale Beaumont

Dale is the Author of 16 business books and  is a very successful marketer.

Dale runs seminars teaching people about technology, systems and how to use the internet for better business.

He has a fantastic business model and great systems!


Lisa B. helps real estate agents to position and promote themselves as the expert real estate agent in their area.

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