Terri Cooper – Real Estate Social Media Training with Lisa B

Real Estate Online Marketing and Social Media Training
Terri Cooper about Lisa B. 


Terri Cooper from Real Estate Mastery attended Lisa B’s event Dominate the internet – specialising in social media and online marketing training for real agents and real estate principals, this is what Terri had to say…

My name is Terri Cooper from Real Estate Mastery, I’ve just been to Lisa B’s Dominate the internet seminar – Brilliant!

What Lisa did, was demystify the whole world of how to promote myself on the internet. My business is growing, expanding and Lisa will be an integral part of that. I totally recommend her seminars and online course for anyone who wants the simple way to get to that next level.

Thanks Lisa

If you would like to know more about Lisa and her training –

Click Here


Lisa B. helps real estate agents to use the internet to kick butt online.
Prepare – Position – Profile – Promote – Profit
It’s easy when you know how.

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Lisa B. Social Media Real Estate Training

Lisa B. Social Media Real Estate Training

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