Tip Number 2 – Property management tips in real estate social media

Tip Number Two for Property Managers 

Social Media and Real Estate

Model other real estate agents strategies –   If it’s working for the sales agents  –  take note.

Study what the top agents are doing using social media.

This might seem simple, however not many people do it.   You don’t have to re-invent what works with social media.

You will however have to test and tweak for your market place.

One fantastic agency to watch  is the Corcoran Group  – They are based in New York in America.

Watch, learn and model!

Go back over their page, see what has created interest for them, try something similar yourself.  (I’m not saying to copy their photos – Find your own and your own words )

They have at the time of writing this 67,000 plus fans.  Last week it was 65,000.

Apply what’s working for them, put the property management spin into it, as well as your personality.

To recap –  Tip Number 2 –  Always think how you can model strategies that are working for others.

Don’t be afraid to try new things.


Tip number 3 next…

For other tips on property management and social media – Please see one of my articles in the SOLD magazine. Every edition, I have a page called Tech in the City. If there is anything you want to know about, please ask in the comments below.


Lisa B. helps real estate agents to use the internet to kick butt online.

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